Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

Hunter had a great 1st Easter.  His Nana spent the night with us, so he got to spend some quality time with her today.  She gave him M&M's for the 1st time and he loved them...definitely getting better at using his pincher grasp.

He spent most of the morning playing before we got him ready to go to Granny's for dinner.  Right before we left, I let him get into his Easter basket.  He really loved the stacking rings the most.  He has some at his Nana's that he plays with when he is there.

We hadn't let him nap all day, so he took a good nap on the way to Granny's.  He was in such a good mood the whole time we were there and ate like a little pig!  He will eat anything!  I'm hoping he continues to eat so well.  We let him hunt eggs with Bubby and Logan.  Of course, he had no clue what he was doing.  He just liked to shake them.

After the egg hunt, I had to leave him with Nicole because I was supposed to work.  They put me on call so Alan and I have spent the afternoon putting together so of our furniture from ikea.

Here's a breakdown of what was in Hunter's basket.

Fisher Price stackable rings

Jellycat bunny
I had his initials monogrammed on the bunny's ear.  This was my favorite thing in his basket.  The bunny is soo soft!

I couldn't find the exact picture of the cup I got him, but it's similar to this, but yellow.  It came from target.

Spoons similar to this.  These are actually the boon spoons, but I picked up some at wal-mart that look almost identical.  

Hunter LOVES Dora.

Wooden cars from Ikea.

Monday, March 25, 2013

1st Step and STTN

Hunter took his 1st step on Saturday, March 23rd.  He was standing up next to the couch at Nicole and Michaels, let go and took one step toward me!  I didn't really think anything about it until today when he did it again, except opposite.  He was standing up, holding onto my leg, let go, and took one step to the couch.  I know it'll still be a while before he's walking, but I'm so not ready for it.  I can't believe my little guy is growing up so much.

He has also been STTN for about a week.  Obviously, this is a big deal for us.  He did it 1st on St. Patty's Day (March 17th.)  I actually worked that night and thought it might be a fluke.  He slept really well up until about 2 1/2 months, then his sleep just got progressively worse.  I think it had a lot to do with no routine and staying away from home a lot.  We stayed at moms and Nicole's a lot and he NEVER had a set bedtime.  Once we started staying home and got him used to going to be at 9, it didn't take long at all.  We actually stayed at Nicole's this weekend and once again, he slept horrible.  Hoping that this will eventually get better.  

I can't believe I'm already planning his 1st birthday party.  Seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital and sleeping in the living room with him.  My baby is getting so big :(.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


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Monday, March 11, 2013

Valentine Day/9 Month Pictures

I'm so, so thankful we have been able to have Hunter's pictures taken as often as we have.  These are his 9 month/Valentines Day pics and I love them all so much!

10 Months...

Hunter Cole,

...I cannot believe I am writing your 10 month post.  You will be one year old in just two short months.  I feel like it was just yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital.

...You are 18 1/2 lbs, not sure about your height.

...You are still wearing mostly 6-12 month clothes, some 6-9 and some 12 month stuff.  It varies.  Still in size 3 diapers, but in cloth when we are home.

...You haven't been sick anymore since your hospital stay, thank goodness.  I've tried to keep you home more in hopes that we prevent any more sickness.  It's hard to stay home all the time though, you get stir crazy just like I do.

...No new teeth this month, still 4 on top and 2 on bottom.  You are constantly trying to bite me and everyone else.  I tell you no, but you just smile at me.  I'm hoping you grow out of this soon.

...Still crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything.  You are starting to let go while standing up for a VERY brief second.  You love to push your 4-wheeler everywhere.  You also do pretty good pushing your walk behind toys everywhere in the house.

...You had your 1st Valentines Day this month.  We got you a cars 4-wheeler, a book, and a couple of onesies.

...You haven't been back to MDO, but will go next week.  I kept you home after the hospital for 2 weeks and then/now it was fall break.  I think it's good for you to be around other kids your age. are still patty caking.  You will also roll 'em up and throw them in the pan, but we never can get you to do it all together.  You are also waving, but only when you want to.  Sometimes I can get you to point to my nose when I ask you where it's at, other times you aren't interested. still love Dora.  It actually blows my mind how much you love her show.  You will sit perfectly still and watch it the entire 30 minutes if I let you.  I try to limit the amount of TV you watch per day, usually I don't like you to watch more than one show because you also watch TV in the car.

...You are eating  3 solid meals per day and still nursing several times.  I have just started trying to wean you some.  I would like to get to 2-3 nursing sessions per day and the rest bottle/sippy cup.  You eat everything we eat.  You had cake for Kelsie's birthday and it made you so hyper. You didn't go to bed until after 11 that night.  Logan also gave you your 1st chocolate chip cooking and you ate every bit of it.

...You still are not sleeping through the night.  You are up 2-5 times per night usually.  It's rough, but luckily I can nap with you during the day.  You are starting to take longer naps...1 to 1 1/2 hours instead of 40min!

...You spent time with Nana, Poppy, Logan, Nicole, Aunt Lisa, Samantha, Aunt Joann and Brittany this month.  You were also away from me from Wednesday around 1 until Friday morning.  That was the longest time we had been apart.  I was scheduled to work Wednesday and Thursday night and Aunt Cole kept you at Nana's.  I missed you like crazy, but know that it's okay for you to be away from me some.

...Your daddy has been working away this month, so he's been gone all week.  Thankfully, he's back home most nights now.

...We got you a tricycle that we can push and you love to ride it.  We spent about 45 minutes on it the other day while Daddy rotated his tires.

...You say Da-Da all the time.  I've also heard you say Nana, Momma, and uh-oh.  Da-da is definitely your favorite though.

...You love to play with Jordan and Logan.  You will spend all day chasing them if they will let you.

...You got your 1st boo-boo.  I came home from work Friday morning and you had a scratch under your right eye.  Daddy had put you in the bed with him and you woke up, he didn't.  He thinks you reached for the nightstand, hit the corner of it and then fell off the bed.  Good think Momma wasn't here, because I would have been a hot mess.  Although, you did fall off the bed with me only a few weeks before that.  We were spending the night at Aunt Cole's and you were sleeping in the bed with me, pushed off of my side and fell off the bed on your head.  You cried for 2.5 seconds and then went right back to sleep.  Poor guy, I know there are many more bumps and bruises to come.