Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nothing exciting...

Not much has happened this week.  I worked Monday-Wednesday.  Thursday morning when I got off work I went to Kroger to stand in line to get a wristband in hopes of getting tickets to see Garth Brooks.  After sitting outside in the cold for a couple of hours I got wristband #19.  I had to return on Saturday by 8:45 a.m.  They lined us up in numerical order and then drew a random number to start the line.  I ended up being around 46th in line after they rearranged us.  Tickets went on sale at 10 a.m. and the 1st concert sold out in no time.  I ended up getting 8 tickets to the Monday night concert on December 20th.  I am so excited.  I have ALWAYS wanted to see Garth LIVE.  I cannot wait!

Friday I spent most of the day shopping.  Alan and I met Kelsie and Lewey for dinner at Red Lobster and then we went to the movies to see Due Date.  Paulina joined us for the movie.  Although I slept through the 1st 30 minutes I thought it was pretty funny!  I started working on my 3rd quilt when I got home Friday night.  After Kroger Saturday morning I met Kelsie and Lewey for a little shopping at Hobby Lobby and the Mistletoe Market.  We stopped by Cheddars and had lunch after shopping.  Saturday night Alan cooked chili and Brandon and Blake came over to eat and watched the 1st half of the Tennessee/Memphis football game with us.  After they left Brandon Spears and Christi stopped by for a few minutes.  Always like to see friends!!!  And I'm so glad to see Tennessee win another game!!!

This week I'm working Monday-Wednesday again.  Brit and I are thinking about going to the Tennessee game on Saturday since Thad will be working and Alan will be out of town.  

Monday, November 1, 2010

Catching Up

Well I'm already slacking when it comes to blogging.

This past weekend Alan went to Indiana hunting so I went home to spend some time with the family!  I had a photo session with 2 cute little girls on Friday evening.  Friday night Mom, Logan, and I went to the Sb vs. Wb football game.  It was so cold and we ended up leaving during the 3rd quarter.  Sunbright ended up loosing.  : (

Saturday I spend most of the day working on a quilt for Maddy for Christmas.  It is a ragged squares quilt and I found the perfect pink and brown fabric for it.  I finished it on Saturday and mom spent a lot of time clipping the edges for me.  I LOVE how it turned out.  Her quilt is the 2nd that I've finished.  The 1st quilt I completed was a John Deere quilt for Logan and I love it, too!

Saturday night we headed out to take Logan to Trick or Treat.  He was a transformer and got lots of candy.  He fell asleep on the way home.  Hopefully next year I'll be able to make his!

I came back home Sunday, cleaned up the house a little, went to Alan's Ma's to eat, and worked on editing pictures.

Great Weekend!

Things I Love....

Family...I seriously have some of the best family a girl could ask for.  My mom is AMAZING.  She raised me right and I will always be grateful for that.  I would not be the person I am w/out her.  Logan....he always knows how to bring a smile to my face.  He is the happiest little boy and lives life to the fullest.  I can't believe he is already 5.  I love him so much.  Nicole, my younger sister.  I am so proud of her.  She spends a lot of time with Logan and she is soooo good with him.  He loves her so much and thinks the world of her.  My Granny, she is, without a doubt, the strongest person I know.  She has taught me so much about life.  She has always been there for me, believed in me, and supported me.  I don't know what I'd do without her.

Friends...I have some of the greatest friends a girl could ask for.  I'm thinking I may just do a separate post about my friends.

Photography...I have always loved to take pictures.  When I went to DC in the 8th grade I think I came home with 13 rolls of film to have developed.  Alan got me a SLR for Christmas this past year and I've been taking pictures of family and friends.  I hope to do photography on the side one day.

Crafting...I was never crafty in high school or anytime for that matter.  I got a sewing machine for Christmas and although I haven't really made anything with my sewing machine, I think it has sparked my creative side.  I have been making tutu's and headbands (for little girls) recently and I LOVE it.  Next I wanna make a quilt for Logan and learn to crochet.

Wakeboarding.  I started wakeboarding the summer of 2009 after the Boyfriend bought a boat and started wakeboarding.  After I tried it the 1st time I was hooked!  We spend every weekend during the summer on the lake wakeboarding.  I FINALLY landed my 1st wake to wake jump this past summer and it felt SOOOO good!

My job.  I love being a nurse.  I never thought I'd get here but I did and I'm so happy that this is the career I chose.  I can't imagine myself doing anything else....except being a NP (maybe one day.)

and some other random things...the lake, country music, living in the country, all things pink, being outside, going 4 wheelin, early bronco's (1966-1977), reading blogs, pearls, pedicures, texting, and reading!

A Little About Me....

I'm a 24 year old country girl from a VERY small town in East Tennessee.  I love TN and wouldn't live anywhere else.  I was raised by a pretty conservative mom and many of those qualities have carried over to me.  I have a wonderful little brother who is 5 years old.  He is the light of my life and I don't know what I would do without him.  I also have a wonderful sister who is 3 years younger than me, a brother who is 4 years older than me, a step sister who is my age and a 1/2 brother who I don't get to see very often.  In June I became an Aunt for the 1st time to the most beautiful baby girl....Maddy!

I just graduated nursing school in December.  That was the hardest 2 1/2 years of my life but I'm so happy I stuck with it.  I started my current job in January.  I am an RN and I work at a hospital on the cardiac step down floor and I LOVE it.  I work with such great people.

I have some of the best friends a girl could ask know who you are!

and the boyfriend.... his name is Alan.  We've been together since May 2008.  I had known him for about 9 months before we started dating.  He is 10 years older than me, but doesn't act like it! 

Toy Story 3 on Ice

I finally broke down and decided to start blogging!  I have been thinking about it for a while now and finally decided to start.  When I was younger I always kept a journal.  I still have them and I love to look back and read them. 

Yesterday I took Logan to see Toy Story 3 on Ice in Nashville.  We went with Samantha and Jordan.  This was Logan's 1st time in Nashville (that I am aware of.)  We went to Diana's Sweet Shop to eat.  It's a cute 1920's candy shop but they also serve food.  Logan and I both had sandwiches and then we all shared a hot fudge sunday!  We let the kids pick out some candy and then headed to Bridgestone Arena.  On the way into the show Logan had asked about getting a toy.  I told him that we MIGHT get one on the way out.  I hate paying $20 for those toys!!!  So after the 1st intermission he said he was ready to go.  I knew he was only saying this because he wanted to get a toy.  We stayed for the entire show and then stopped to get a toy on the way out.  Both little ones fell asleep on the way home. 

I wasn't really sure if Logan enjoyed the show or not.  Today when I was taking him to meet Mom I asked him what his favorite part was and he told me the "fire part" and the part at the beginning when Buzz came out of the sky.  Mom let me know later on that he had called Richard to tell him about it so I'm convinced that he did like it.  Next time I guess I'll just give in and get him a dang toy before the show.

Tomorrow I am heading home for Bubs' 1st Birthday Party.  It seems like just yesterday I was going to see him in the hospital when he was born.  Kids grow up WAY WAY to fast... : (

I'm working Monday-Wednesday this week and I'm looking forward to getting it over and having a relaxing weekend.  I have been going non stop with work, cleaning, crafts, photo sessions, and editing since we got home from the cruise and I think its time to SLOW DOWN a little bit!