Thursday, October 11, 2012

Saving Money and Going Green!!!

When I 1st mentioned making our own laundry detergent Alan thought I was crazy.  I had seen people on pinterest and blogs do it and I wanted to try.  Initially it wasn't because I wanted to save $, I just liked the thought of being crafty.  Alan was totally against it but one day he decided we should try it.  After success at making our own detergent we have incorporated more and more things to help save $ and help the environment at the same time...

-We make our own laundry detergent...This is so easy and quick.  I do powder so it's easy to store!  I am still using the original ingredients that I bought.

-use vinegar for laundry softener

-hang clothes outside to dry whenever possible

-stopped buying bottled water and use a brita water pitcher

-cloth paper towels-Alan gives me a hard time about this, but I have adjusted fine!

-homemade cleaning products-febreeze, wrinkle releaser, shower cleaner, etc.  Usually vinegar, dawn, peroxide, and/or baking soda will take care of anything.  In addition, I feel like these products are much safer than some of the more traditional cleaning products.

-reusable eye makeup remover pads

-cloth diapers and wipes...we still use a disposable at night though

-homemade baby food

-no paper plates

It's so nice to know we don't have to buy paper towels, wipes or diapers (very often), expensive cleaning supplies, bottled water, baby food, paper plates, laundry detergent, or softener.  

Favorite Things...

I want to remember some of our favorite items from this time period...

Once again...Medela pump in style. Since I'm back at work I'm having to used this more often and it so easy to use and gets the job done.  I've never used any other pump so I don't know how it would compare but I love this one.  It has help up well so far...I'm pretty rough on it.
Dr. Browns Pacis-These are Hunter's favorite paci's right now.  He won't take anything else.

Aden and Anais swaddle blankets-Pretty sure we should have bought stock in this company!  I love everything we have from them.  We have used these Aden and Anais blankets from Day 1.  Hunter loves them.  Sometimes we still use them to swaddle him.  They are perfect to throw over us when he is nursing. We now have 2 of the security blankets, the dream blanket, and 3 of the burpy bibs.  We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE their products.

Sunbaby cloth diapers-My friend and I ordered some of these cloth diapers.  I was very skeptical about them because they are cheap compaired to other pocket diapers.  However, I love them.  They are so easy to stuff and the inserts are super absorbent.  They also have cute patterns.  I can't wait to order more.

Planet wise wet bag-I have a different pattern but it works great for me  No leaks and no odor.  This is what I take with me when we spend a couple of days at my Mom's.  I have the medium size bag and it holds plenty of diapers.

Fisher Price Love You Zoo Jumerpoo-I go this at a consignment sale and Hunter loves it.  I can put him in the middle of the room and he will sit in it while I get some things done around the house.  He is just now getting tall enough to touch the ground without anything under him.  It has plenty of engaging toys!
Boppy Play Mat-My mom got this for us and even though it is a bit pricier than some of the others it has been well worth it for us!  Hunter LOVES it and always has.  Also, they have great customer service.  I had to contact them about the music and they were quick to reply and offered to send me a new one if needed.  Boppy customer for life!!!

Bright Stars Elephant-Hunter loves this little elephant.  It makes a crinkle noise and he loves to chew on the feet!

Infantino Stick & Play suction toy-I love this toy.  It suctions down so he can't throw it in the floor.  The flower rotates in a circle and also moves back and forth.  Each petal has something different and the petals rotate.  Lots of neat things packed into this one toy!

Baby Bjorn carrier-I'm not sure which style we have but Alan uses it all the time!  He puts Hunter in it so he can get things done outside and also so he can take him for rides on the 4 wheeler.  Hunter doesn't mind being in it!  We also use it at the mx races!

Snuza Monitor-I'm still paranoid about SIDS.  We have the Angel Care Monitor but he doesn't sleep good in his bed.  So I clasp this onto his diaper and it gives me peace of mind during the night!  I am sure I would get much less sleep if I didn't have this!

9th week-July 7th-13th

I think I'll just hit the highlights of the week now instead of writing what we do every day!  Over the weekend Mom and Logan came up and we went out of the boat to Pates Ford to watch fireworks.  Sam, Jordan, and Brent came with us!  Hunter didn't mind the fireworks, I'm not sure he even noticed them...ha!  Sunday, Mom watched Hunter so Alan and I could take Logan to watch the new Spiderman movie.  I actually enjoyed it!  Tuesday, I went home for a couple of days.  It rained the whole time I was there.  Hunter was spoiled by his aunt Nicole!  I told her we gave him the right middle name because he's a lot like her!  He hates shopping, being bothered, and he snores like she does.  Thursday we went to Knoxville to get some items off of her registry and then I finally came back home.  Alan isn't crazy about us being gone so long but he understands that I get bored here at the house.  Logan came back with me.  Hunter slept through the night both nights at the house but was up constantly last night :(.


I wanted to make sure and write this down, so I can remember for next time!

I don't think we ever really got Hunter latched on in the hospital.  I delivered late on a Friday night and was discharged on Sunday so I never got to see the lactation consultant. While I was in the hospital I mostly pumped but I did put him to breast some with a nipple shield.  Once we got home I continued to put him to breast with the shield and pump some too.  It took him an hour or more to eat each time and he ate so often that I felt like all I did was feed him.  He made the biggest mess and the nipple shield was hard to use when we had company.  Finally around week 3 I went to see the lactation consultant.

She got Hunter to latch on immediately without the shield.  I was so happy!  Once we were home I got him to latch with out it for the 1st feeding, but after that he wouldn't stay latched on.  So we did the shield some, but always tried without it first.  Eventually it got to the point that we didn't hardly ever use the shield.

Breastfeeding was so hard for the 1st several weeks.  The sore nipples are awful!  Then Hunter would always kick or hit me and I would be jumping in pain.  It was bad.  Finally I tried to leave them open to air as much as possible and to use the Medela lanolin.  I think it worked so much better!  After a while they would only hurt when he latched on and then they were fine after that.

I wanted to quit so many times.  Each time I told myself I'll get through this week and if it isn't any better I'll stop.  Every time it had gotten a little bit better!  Alan didn't encourage or discourage it!  He just wanted me to do whatever was best for us.  He didn't really have a preference either way.  Now, 9 weeks or so out, I am so, so glad I didn't stop!  The pain is completely gone (and has been for quite a while.)  It's so easy.  I don't have to worry about bottles, formula, water, etc when we leave the house.  I've only had to feed him in public a couple of times.  Once during breakfast with the girls and then at Nicole's rehearsal and wedding!  No one really seemed to noticed that much!  Now he only eats from one side at a time and usually is done in 10-15 minutes.  I haven't given him a bottle in forever, but my mom says it takes much longer for him to eat from a bottle.

He is still a messy eater, but we have found a solution to that problem.  I think I've already forgotten how bad it was in the beginning, kinda like pregnancy and childbirth!

So glad I stuck with it and I'm so thankful for the people who encouraged me...mostly Tonya!

5 Months...

Hunter Cole, are 5 months old

...I think you are getting pretty close to 14 lbs.

...still wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes.  You can still wear some of your 0-3 month bottoms.  You must have short legs!  You are still wearing  a size 2 diaper, but we try to only put disposables on you at night!

...your sleep schedule is SO out of whack!  I can't complain because we are always on the go and so you don't really have a regular routine.  You are now getting up 2-5 times a night and WILL NOT go back to sleep without nursing...even if you just nursed 15 minutes before.

...we tried putting you in your crib but you didn't like it.  Last night we put you in the pack n play in our room for the 1st time.  Hopefully you will start sleeping better and we can eventually transition you into your crib. HATE to go down for a nap.  I think you are afraid you are going to miss something. After being awake for about 2 hours you get cranky and NEED to go down. still love your muslin blankets.  We always put you down with one. are nursing every 2-3 hours during the day.  A couple of days ago you went almost 4 hours.  We have been giving you baby food but you aren't too crazy about it yet.  So far you have tried bananas (real ones that Nana gave you), green beans, carrots, sweat potatoes, and butternut squash.  You liked the butternut squash the best...and by that I mean we got you to eat about 10 bites! are still doing better riding in the car.  You NEED your DVD player on though.  A couple of days ago (Oct 9th) I put you in your big car seat to see if you liked it better.  I haven't noticed a huge difference. LOVE Dora!  You can be throwing a fit and we can turn it on and you immediately start smiling!  If it comes on when you are in your jumperoo you will start smiling and jumping like crazy! still don't roll from your back to belly.  You will get over on your side but never go any further!  You love to stand up and jump!  You can sit up for 20-30 seconds on your own....such a big boy!

...still loving your play mat.  You also like your jumperoo!  However, you are not a fan of the bumbo seat!  After about 5 minutes you will start to arch your back and whine.

..still no teeth!  You are chewing on everything and drooling tons.  We have had to give you orgel, tylenol, and teething tablets because you seem so uncomfortable at times.  You love to chew on your bibs and burp clothes.  You also chew on your shirt sleeves ALL the time. are spitting up less!!!! continue to LOVE being outside!  We have taken you on walks during the evening and you just look around and take everything in. are putting your feet in your mouth and chewing on them.  It is so cute!

This month, went to several more races for Uncle Logan and Uncle Michael.  The loud noises don't seem to bother you. went to your 1st home!

...spent your 1st night in a hotel on Sept 18th.  Daddy was staying in Nashville so we went to spend 2 nights with him.  I tried taking you shopping both days but you wanted NOTHING to do with it!

...we gave you juice for the 1st time on October 2nd.  It was white grape juice and you actually drank it.  You were being super fussy and so we tried it to see what your reaction would be.  I think your teeth were bothering you and you initially just chewed on the nipple but ended up drinking it! laughed for the 1st time on October 4th.  I was tickling you.

...your Nana kept you while Mom and Dad went out with Aunt Cole and Uncle Michael. used a sippy cup for the 1st time on October 9th.  I figured it was too early for it, but thought I would give it a try anyway.  You figured it out very quick but you were getting chocked on it.