Thursday, October 11, 2012

5 Months...

Hunter Cole, are 5 months old

...I think you are getting pretty close to 14 lbs.

...still wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes.  You can still wear some of your 0-3 month bottoms.  You must have short legs!  You are still wearing  a size 2 diaper, but we try to only put disposables on you at night!

...your sleep schedule is SO out of whack!  I can't complain because we are always on the go and so you don't really have a regular routine.  You are now getting up 2-5 times a night and WILL NOT go back to sleep without nursing...even if you just nursed 15 minutes before.

...we tried putting you in your crib but you didn't like it.  Last night we put you in the pack n play in our room for the 1st time.  Hopefully you will start sleeping better and we can eventually transition you into your crib. HATE to go down for a nap.  I think you are afraid you are going to miss something. After being awake for about 2 hours you get cranky and NEED to go down. still love your muslin blankets.  We always put you down with one. are nursing every 2-3 hours during the day.  A couple of days ago you went almost 4 hours.  We have been giving you baby food but you aren't too crazy about it yet.  So far you have tried bananas (real ones that Nana gave you), green beans, carrots, sweat potatoes, and butternut squash.  You liked the butternut squash the best...and by that I mean we got you to eat about 10 bites! are still doing better riding in the car.  You NEED your DVD player on though.  A couple of days ago (Oct 9th) I put you in your big car seat to see if you liked it better.  I haven't noticed a huge difference. LOVE Dora!  You can be throwing a fit and we can turn it on and you immediately start smiling!  If it comes on when you are in your jumperoo you will start smiling and jumping like crazy! still don't roll from your back to belly.  You will get over on your side but never go any further!  You love to stand up and jump!  You can sit up for 20-30 seconds on your own....such a big boy!

...still loving your play mat.  You also like your jumperoo!  However, you are not a fan of the bumbo seat!  After about 5 minutes you will start to arch your back and whine.

..still no teeth!  You are chewing on everything and drooling tons.  We have had to give you orgel, tylenol, and teething tablets because you seem so uncomfortable at times.  You love to chew on your bibs and burp clothes.  You also chew on your shirt sleeves ALL the time. are spitting up less!!!! continue to LOVE being outside!  We have taken you on walks during the evening and you just look around and take everything in. are putting your feet in your mouth and chewing on them.  It is so cute!

This month, went to several more races for Uncle Logan and Uncle Michael.  The loud noises don't seem to bother you. went to your 1st home!

...spent your 1st night in a hotel on Sept 18th.  Daddy was staying in Nashville so we went to spend 2 nights with him.  I tried taking you shopping both days but you wanted NOTHING to do with it!

...we gave you juice for the 1st time on October 2nd.  It was white grape juice and you actually drank it.  You were being super fussy and so we tried it to see what your reaction would be.  I think your teeth were bothering you and you initially just chewed on the nipple but ended up drinking it! laughed for the 1st time on October 4th.  I was tickling you.

...your Nana kept you while Mom and Dad went out with Aunt Cole and Uncle Michael. used a sippy cup for the 1st time on October 9th.  I figured it was too early for it, but thought I would give it a try anyway.  You figured it out very quick but you were getting chocked on it.

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