Thursday, October 11, 2012


I wanted to make sure and write this down, so I can remember for next time!

I don't think we ever really got Hunter latched on in the hospital.  I delivered late on a Friday night and was discharged on Sunday so I never got to see the lactation consultant. While I was in the hospital I mostly pumped but I did put him to breast some with a nipple shield.  Once we got home I continued to put him to breast with the shield and pump some too.  It took him an hour or more to eat each time and he ate so often that I felt like all I did was feed him.  He made the biggest mess and the nipple shield was hard to use when we had company.  Finally around week 3 I went to see the lactation consultant.

She got Hunter to latch on immediately without the shield.  I was so happy!  Once we were home I got him to latch with out it for the 1st feeding, but after that he wouldn't stay latched on.  So we did the shield some, but always tried without it first.  Eventually it got to the point that we didn't hardly ever use the shield.

Breastfeeding was so hard for the 1st several weeks.  The sore nipples are awful!  Then Hunter would always kick or hit me and I would be jumping in pain.  It was bad.  Finally I tried to leave them open to air as much as possible and to use the Medela lanolin.  I think it worked so much better!  After a while they would only hurt when he latched on and then they were fine after that.

I wanted to quit so many times.  Each time I told myself I'll get through this week and if it isn't any better I'll stop.  Every time it had gotten a little bit better!  Alan didn't encourage or discourage it!  He just wanted me to do whatever was best for us.  He didn't really have a preference either way.  Now, 9 weeks or so out, I am so, so glad I didn't stop!  The pain is completely gone (and has been for quite a while.)  It's so easy.  I don't have to worry about bottles, formula, water, etc when we leave the house.  I've only had to feed him in public a couple of times.  Once during breakfast with the girls and then at Nicole's rehearsal and wedding!  No one really seemed to noticed that much!  Now he only eats from one side at a time and usually is done in 10-15 minutes.  I haven't given him a bottle in forever, but my mom says it takes much longer for him to eat from a bottle.

He is still a messy eater, but we have found a solution to that problem.  I think I've already forgotten how bad it was in the beginning, kinda like pregnancy and childbirth!

So glad I stuck with it and I'm so thankful for the people who encouraged me...mostly Tonya!

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