...you are 4 months old
...at your 4 month well baby visit you weighed 12lbs. and 11 oz and 25 inches tall.
...you are wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes. You can still fit in some of your 0-3 month shorts
...you can still wear size 2 diapers although you are mostly wearing cloth diapers now
...you go to bed between 8 & 10 pm and almost always wake up around 4am to eat. Then you go back down until 8 or a little later. If you get up before 8, you are usually cranky. We have been swaddling you with one arm out and occasionally both arms out.
...you are still sleeping in your rock n play sleeper but hopefully we will be able to move you to your crib soon.
...you love your muslin blankets and most of the time we can put you down awake with a paci and a blanket by your face and you will go right to sleep.
...you are nursing every 2 hours during the day. You will occasionally go 2 1/2-3 hours. We have given you a couple of bites of table food...bread, potato soup, green beans, and mashed potatoes. You didn't seem to love it or hate it. Nana gave you some banana for the 1st time at her house and you LOVED it! Momma has been working on making you some baby food!
...you are getting so much better about riding in the car. You don't cry near as much as you used to when we have to go somewhere. I think you are finally old enough to be entertained by the toys on your car seat and you are loving the dvd player we borrowed from Uncle Logan and the dvd's Nana bought you. You LOVE the Scooby Doo theme song and sometimes we will play it for you if you get upset in the car.
...you are now rolling from belly to back. You don't do it often though. You rolled over for the 1st time on August 22nd. I was able to record it the 2nd time and send it to Daddy. It took you a couple of weeks before you would roll over for him.
...you still love your play mat. You will lay on it and play and talk to yourself for about 30 minutes at a time! You love to grab the toys and try to chew on them.
...you are drooling everywhere. I'm not sure if you are teething but you are chewing on everything.
...you are still spitting up a lot, but I think it's getting better. You had a barrium swallow to see if they could figure out why you spit up so much, but it was normal. I think you're just a spitter!
...you did great with your vaccines this time. You ran a low grade temp and I gave you some tylenol but other than that we didn't have any problems.
...you still like your jumperoo but honestly we don't put you in it very often. You love your play mat so much more. You will sit in your bumbo seat for a few minutes at a time but not very long.
...you still LOVE riding on the 4 wheeler. Daddy takes you for a ride almost every day. You even fell asleep in your carrier while we were riding.
...you LOVE to be outside.
...you have started hollering. You don't do it often but it cracks us up when you do. You are also giggling a lot!
...you reach for things and are getting really good at grabbing them.
...you play with your feet constantly. If we put socks on you you will pull them off in no time.
...you will try to hold your bottle. You can do it if we put your hands on but you haven't figured out how to get it back in your mouth if you drop it.
...you officially have a babysitter. Your Aunt Cole quit her job so she is going to watch you. Mommy and Daddy are SOO excited because we know she takes wonderful care of you and we trust her 110%!
...I took you to a new pediatrician early in the month because I wasn't happy with your old one. She wanted me to take you for the barrium swallow and a renal ultrasound so we did. They were both normal...yea!
...We took you to see your Ma in the hospital the Friday before she passed away
...you went to Knoxville with me and your Aunt Cole. We had to do some shopping and take her to the dentist. We also went out to eat at Applebees. You did so much better than the last time we took you shopping.
...you sat in a buggy for the 1st time. Daddy was not crazy about you being in there and so you didn't sit in it long. You weren't crazy about it.
...you had a play-date in the park with your girlfriend Mylee!
...your Aunt Lisa kept you while Mommy and Daddy went to dinner! She spoils you rotten and you love to jibber jabber with her.
...you went to several races for Logan and Michael. The sound doesn't seem to bother you at all.
...you spent the night with Aunt Cole while Mommy and Daddy did things for the funeral.
...you went to your 1st football game. Prescott (Lewey's team) vs. Celina. You stayed awake during the whole game and never made a whimper. The next night you went to an Upperman game with Daddy while Momma worked.
...Momma went back to work. I worked 2 different nights and you stayed with Daddy.
...you visited Granny, Kelsie & Hames, Ma, Nana, Poppy & Logan, Aunt Cole & Uncle Michael
...had visits from Josh, Nana, Aunt Cole, Logan, Sam and Jordan, Grandma Susan and Mike, Pa Wayne and Kya, Josh, Kelsie, Hames & Lewey, Ronnie Martin, and Brandon Spears
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