Friday, April 29, 2011

Week Recap!

work mond-wedn. as usual.

Thursday evening we went to Justin Moore at the Wildhorse Saloon.  I had never been there but it is PERFECT for concerts and I can't wait to go back.  It's a huge room with 3 (I think) different levels.  You can go to any of the levels and get a seat (if you get there early enough) and set around the balcony or you can do what we did and stand on the floor and get really close to the stage.  Brit and I had just seen Justin Moore at the Miranda concert and I fell in love with him then.  He is awesome, writes a lot of his songs, and is a great performer.  I love ALL of his songs and his new one "If Heaven wasn't so far Away" is so touching, I just love it!  We met Brandon, Blake, Brook, and Danielle at Hooters before the concert and had dinner.  Anyhow the concert was awesome and I had a great time, although I was worn out!  We went straight home after the concert

 The crew at hooters

 Justin Moore...he's a little guy
 Chris Young made a surprise appearance 

Friday, I spent most of the day working on pictures.  That evening Josh, Jake, Brandon, and Christy came over.  Be played P&A, country dance on the wii, and drank lots of alcohol.  It was nice to have a night at home.
 Brandon and Jake playing Country Dance to decide who is A-hole

The boys passed out...

On saturday I went to see baby brother at the hospital and take them his car seat.  He's grown so much and is so adorable.  He was supposed to come home soon but he keeps having apnea's and brady's so they are gonna hold onto him for a while longer.

After that, I went to watch Logan race for the 1st time...I'm gonna do another post on that!

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