Friday, April 29, 2011

Logan's 1st Race

Logan raced for the 1st time last weekend.  They have been talking about it for a long time and he finally got to!  He was so excited and didn't seem a bit nervous, although I was a ball of emotions.  When I got there they day, they had buzzed his hair off which makes him look older, plus he looked taller, and now he's racing.  So all I kept thinking about was how fast he's growing up and I absolutely HATE it.  I wish he could stay little forever!
 This is Michael talking to him before his practice round.  Michael is the one who got Logan into dirt bikes and Nicole and Michael both spend A LOT of time with him and much of that time is spent riding!  Michael is such a great influence for him and I'm so glad Logan has someone like him to look up to!
 This is Logan right out of the gate!  He was racing with around 15 other kids up to 8  years old, but its 3 different classes.  I know you can't tell here, but the ground is really bumpy and Logan isn't used to riding on that type of dirt, he didn't wreck though...
 However, this is right before he wrecked.  Mom got it on camera.  He drove right of the side of that tabletop and scared the crap out of all of us!  I was really afraid he was hurt, but Michael got to him and he got right back on his bike!
 This is still during the practice round, almost done with his 1st lap!
 This picture is him coming out during is 1st race!  He did so good and I am so proud of him!
 Waiting for his 2nd race to start...
Hanging out with olivia.  I just love this picture.  These 2 are inseparable when they are together.  She is the perfect little girl.  She likes to get dressed up, but is tough, and tomboy-ish at the same time.  She loves Logan and he adores her and she is SO protective of him.  When he was getting ready for his race, she was helping him put his chest protector and helmet on and I just thought it was ADORABLE!

OVERALL, Logan did great.  He got 3rd place and only had one wreck that really scared me.  During the last race, he was really starting to drive faster.  It didn't make me as nervous as I thought it would.  He got a plaque after his race and now he's hooked.

I'm super disappointed though because I work the next two Saturdays, then I have Supertwang, and then Alan's party so I won't get to see him race again for a month : (

I can't believe how big he is getting...

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