Friday, July 13, 2012

7th week-June 23rd-29th

Saturday was Maddy's 2nd Birthday party.  I had planned on letting mom take Hunter home with her after the party so I could go to the lake, but I got to feeling bad (for leaving him) so I had her come to our house and watch him.  NIcole and Michael came out on the lake with us.  We met up with Brandon and Margaux and ended up all going out to eat at the dock.  Mom and Logan spent the night with us!

We had planned on going back to the lake on Sunday but Hunter kept us up most of the night and we were worn out.  We spent the day at home and later in the evening I decided I wanted to try to take a walk with Hunter.  We put him in his stroller and then Wayne and Kya went with us.  Hunter did not like it!  Hopefully it won't be long before he will enjoy riding!  After our walk we took him to see Ma!

Monday we left him with Ma and Susan for a few minutes so we could go look at a house...we weren't impressed though..

Happy Baby!!!  He is really starting to smile a lot and will smile when I talk to him.  It's the sweetest thing ever and completely melts my heart!

Tuesday Brit came over and we went to Kelsie's to visit her and Hames!  That evening me and Hunter went to the lake with them and Alan met us down there.  The boys were soooo good.  The pretty much slept the whole time!  I made it wake to wake on the wakeboard.  I was so proud of myself!  After we left the lake we all went to the Huddle House for supper!

Wednesday morning I met Brit and Kels for breakfast at Maddie's with all the babies.  It was fun to get them all together for the 1st time!  Hunter was so, so cranky so I ended up feeding him in the restaurant! It was the 1st time I had really breastfed him in public and it worked out okay.  Hopefully I'll get better about it soon!  Later that evening I called and got Hunter a doctor appointment because he has been spitting up a lot and getting chocked on it.  I was afraid that he was going to get chocked during the night and I wouldn't hear him.  They started him on Zantac.  I'm not really excited about giving him medicine on a regular basis but I guess it will be worth it if it helps.  After that I met Krystal to help her with some pumping issues! 

1st time in an outfit...

Thursday I went back home.  Tess and the girls came over.  Me and Hunter spent the night at the house.  We dipped his feet in the pool a couple of times and he didn't seem to crazy about it!

Friday we went with Nicole to the doctor.  Hunter did great the whole time, but we did have to ride with the windows down.  On the way home we stopped to let him meet Brad for the 1st time!  I headed back home and Alan met me to get Hunter so I could go to dinner with Kels and Jo at El Tap.  After that we went to the movies to watch Ted.  It was so nice to get out of the house for a bit and have some girl time!

I cannot believe he is already 7 weeks old!  

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