Saturday Hunter and I packed up and went to my mom's for a cookout while Alan went to the lake. It was a boring day for me! I obviously couldn't get in the lake or pool so I was bored! I spent most of the day inside with mom. I did get to enjoy a nap while she watched Hunter! Before he and I left, we gave him a bath outside! He hates getting a bath and I think it's d/t the temperature in our house so I thought I'd see how he did outside, he loves to be outside anyway! He enjoyed it much more! Granny came down to spend some time with him while I was there and then I met Daddy in Clarkrange so he could see him...

Hunter and I came home to Alan cooking out with friends so he got lots of attention! Josh his gf Sloane, Brandon, Jess, and Spears were all here.
Sunday-We had a pretty low key morning. Pa Wayne came by to see Hunter and later that evening we took him to see Ma in the nursing home. After that we headed to Pauli's to visit! She was in absolute awe over Hunter. She's never been around kids much and it was awesome to watch her hold/feed/burp a baby that small for the first time. She ended up in tears...good tears, it was so sweet! We love, love, love her and her family! They are the sweetest people you'll ever meet.
Monday-Mom called and asked if I wanted to meet her to do some shopping! I met her at Kohls and Alan took Hunter for a bit while we did some shopping! After we got what we needed she took Hunter home so we could do some car shopping...we also did some grocery shopping and looked at some houses on our way home! We are so lucky to have people we trust to watch Hunter!
Tuesday was Alan's 1st day back to work! We had a pretty good day...I did lots of sleeping while he was sleeping. When Alan got home he said he thought he looked different from when he left! We packed up and went to look at a house and then Nicole and Logan came up to spend the night! Logan and I played a little Battleship...until he got bored!
Wednesday-Nicole and Logan were here to help me take him to the doctor. I had expected that he would be up around 6, but he wasn't so we got up late. We ended up being 10 minutes late to his appointment. I had to give him formula and pump while we were on the way there (Nicole was driving.) He was up to 7 lbs, 5 oz at his appointment and 20 inches. Dr was happy with his weight gain, but now he/we have thrush so we are trying to treat that! He hates the medicine and spits most of it up. After his appointment we went shopping to get some things for Nicole's wedding and then came home and worked on wedding stuff. I made her ring bearer pillow and tied some bows on her baskets for her flower girls! After Alan got home and I cooked supper me and Logan went to town to walk! I've been itching to get some exercise so we walked 0.8 miles. I could have done more but wasn't sure how I'd feel so we stopped there! I bought the Mom's on Call Online Seminar today so we are going to start working on Hunter sleeping through the night soon! Logan is spending the night with us tonight and says he is staying until September : )! Today we also put him on the floor on a blanket for the 1st time. He actually seemed to like it! He rolls over on his side and just watches everything going on around him...
Thursday-We spent most of the day at home with Logan. We met the Harley group at the Clarion to visit for a bit. Hunter was so good and everyone just loved him. So glad we got to meet up with them for a bit. After we left there, we had planned on going to my Mom's but Hunter threw a fit and we decided to go back home!
I put him in his crib for a nap...#overprotectiveparent
0-3 month shorts still too big
Friday-We got everything ready and headed to Mom's. I left Hunter with her while I went to Nicole's lingerie/bachelorette party. It was so hard. I obviously wanted to be there for Nicole but HATED being away from my baby. I knew he was in good hands though. I was away from him for about 14 hours. We 1st had her lingerie party at Tonya's where she got a ton of stuff. Then we headed to Wild Wing's Cafe for dinner and then out to CEJ and Bull Feather's. It was a fun night, but I did not get to Mom's until 5am. I was worn out but Nicole had a good time! 3 weeks old today!
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