Hunter Cole,
...You are 2 months (and a few days) old.
...You are wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes with some 3-6 months added in. You can finally wear some of your 0-3 month shorts. weigh 11.4 lbs but I'm not sure how long you are. You don't go for your 2 month checkup until the end of this month. wear size 1 diapers. We tried size 2 since you are so close to the recommended weight but they are too big. slept all night twice when we stayed at Nana and Poppy's but haven't done it since we have been home. During the day you get cranky after being awake about an hour. So our typical day consists of you waking up, eating, playing for about 45 minutes and then nap. And repeat! You sleep in your Rock 'n Play sleeper at night beside our bed. are breastfeeding like a champ. You eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hours and it takes 10-15 minutes for you to nurse. You are getting much better about not making a huge mess on mommy. constantly kick your feet! love bath time. We give you a bath every evening and you LOVE it! You hate getting out and usually throw a fit.
...your favorite place to be is outside. You have been to the lake a lot this month and you love it! You watched your 1st firework show. You didn't seem to impressed...ha! The loud noise didn't scare you like I thought it might. hate shopping! You are just like your Aunt Nicole. I told her that we gave you the right middle name because you two are so similar. You hate shopping and riding and you snore just like she does! still aren't crazy about tummy time. Sometimes you will lay for 5 minutes, other times you start whining as soon as we put you down. You love your play mat if you are on your back. We finally got the light and music to work and you like that. do not like riding in your stroller. We have put you in it without the car seat and with the car seat. Either hate it. Even outside. have discovered your hands and your tongue. You suck on your hand all the time. Sometimes I think you are going to put the whole thing in your mouth. are grabbing onto things more. You always grab Momma's shirt when you are nursing and you will grab your blanket and pull it to your face. still don't hold your paci in your mouth very good. The only time you really use it is when you are going down for a nap. are a very happy baby. You will just smile at us when we talk to you. It's the best feeling in the world to see you smile! You try to talk back to us and are cooing quite a bit...especially when we lay you down for bed awake. are still spitting up quite a bit! I took you to the doctor and they started you on zantac but I can't tell it's made a difference. You were choking on it as it was coming up and it freaked me out.
...we spent a couple of days at Nana and Poppy's and you got so much attention. I'm pretty sure your Aunt Nicole spoiled you. She walked/bounced you the whole time! still love to be rocked by your Ma. We take you up there and you will just sit and let her rock you the whole time!
...this month you met Mylee for the 1st time and spent a lot of time with Hames. Ya'll still don't realize the other is there but we can't wait until ya'll are big enough to play together.
...we took you to the creek for the 1st time! You slept the whole time and the bumpy ride didn't both you a bit.
...we took Daddy to eat at Red Lobster for his 1st Father's Day have rolled over from your belly to back twice, but haven't done it anymore. went to Maddy's 2nd Birthday Party spent some time with Aunt Lisa while we went to the lake. spent the night with Nana once. went to a cookout for Nana and Poppy's work
...This month you had visits from...Uncle Logan, Aunt Nicole, Pa Wayne, Kya, Grandma Susan, Aunt Lisa, Samantha, Jordan, Brittany, Nana, Chris Ashburn, Brandon & Christi, Josh, Margaux, Jo & Noah, and Tosha.
...This month we went to see...Coach Stephens, Granny, Nanna, Poppy, Logan, Nicole, Kelsie & Hames, Tessa, Krystal & Mylee (in town), Brad, Grandpa Jackie, Paula and Uncle Jackie.
We Love You More Than Anything and are so thankful to be your parents!
Monday, July 16, 2012
1 Month
Around this time 1 month ago, they had just placed Hunter on my chest for the 1st time. I still remember it like it was yesterday! I can't believe how fast this month has flown by. Being a mommy is definitely the best thing ever! I love this little boy so much! I can not believe 1 month has already gone by!
Hunter, wearing newborn and some 0-3 month clothes
...wears newborn and size 1 diapers
...weighs around 8.2 lbs (according to our scale)
...gets up once at night, usually around 2 am to eat
...has slept in his crib a couple of times throughout the night
...has had 2 at nanna's (while I went to my sister's bachelorette party) and one at my granny's (with mommy and daddy)
...attended a wedding (Nicole and Michael)
...watched your 1st country music award show
...grabs hair, blankets, paci's, etc and will NOT let go
...hates getting his clothes changed but is getting much better about having his diaper changed
...likes Kenny Chesney and Keith Urban very good at holding his head up! so alert these days! He loves to look around and seems to focus on us more
...has the cutest double chin
...looks just like his daddy in his baby pictures
...can almost always get his arms out of his swaddle!
...likes riding in the jeep with the freedom top off
Hunter, wearing newborn and some 0-3 month clothes
...wears newborn and size 1 diapers
...weighs around 8.2 lbs (according to our scale)
...gets up once at night, usually around 2 am to eat
...eats around 4 ounces (when we give you a bottle)
...nurses for around an hour at a time...has slept in his crib a couple of times throughout the night
...has had 2 at nanna's (while I went to my sister's bachelorette party) and one at my granny's (with mommy and daddy)
...attended a wedding (Nicole and Michael)
...watched your 1st country music award show
...grabs hair, blankets, paci's, etc and will NOT let go
...hates getting his clothes changed but is getting much better about having his diaper changed
...likes Kenny Chesney and Keith Urban very good at holding his head up! so alert these days! He loves to look around and seems to focus on us more
...has the cutest double chin
...looks just like his daddy in his baby pictures
...can almost always get his arms out of his swaddle!
...likes riding in the jeep with the freedom top off
Friday, July 13, 2012
8th week-June 30th-July 6th
Saturday Hunter and I went to a cookout for mom and Richards work. After that Hunter went with my mom to spend the night. It was his 1st time being away from me all night. I went to the lake with Kels, Lewey, Vicky, Jo, and Hames. Later that evening we picked up her grandparents and then we to the dock to eat @ Copper Top and watch fireworks @ Hurricane. Initially I thought about how excited I was to get a good nights sleep, but I still had to get up and pump : (
Hames sleeping during the fireworks!
Sunday I got up and we went to get Hunter. We spent some time at the house and then took him to see Granny. On the way home we met Daddy, Paula, and Little Man! He is getting so big! I miss him like crazy, but not sure if I could handle him and Hunter together right now!
Monday we spent all day at home. Hunter started cooing today! It is so cute. He looks like he is trying so hard to talk! Alan took off of work this week so he is home!
Tuesday we went to the lake. Kels and Lewey came with us! Sam came over later in the evening to bring us some dessert. Hunter slept through the night for the 1st time!!! I'm not sure what Sam did to him, but I've got to figure out her trick! He has discovered his hand and sucks on it all the time. He will try to fit his whole hand in his mouth.
relaxing on the lake!
Wednesday morning we took him to Lisa while we went to the lake. Jo and Noah came with us and we met up with Kels and Lewey. Tosha came down later in the morning. It ended up being the guys on Lewey's boat and the girls on our boat for most of the day! We left around 2 and went and picked Hunter up. After that we went to Longhorn's for dinner! It was delish. We rented some movies and had a relaxing night at home. I was so glad Tot got to come spend some time with us! I miss her so much. We don't get to talk often but we always pick right back up where we left off!
eating his hand...
face time for the 1st time...talking to bmay!
Tot spent the morning with us Thursday before heading home. That evening we went to the lake. We met up with Kels and Lewey and we hadn't been on the water long when it started to get really windy. Alan looked at the radar and there was a storm coming so we headed back to the area where we put the boats in. It never did end up storming on us. After we got the boat loaded we stayed and talked to Alan's friend JR for a while. When we got home we found our little shed had been picked up, turned around, and sat next to the fence during the storm. I took Hunter to Ma and tried to help Alan clean up. We spent the evening without power!
Friday we went back to the lake. Kels, Lewey, and Hames came with us!
Love this sweet face!!!
Happy 8 weeks!
7th week-June 23rd-29th
Saturday was Maddy's 2nd Birthday party. I had planned on letting mom take Hunter home with her after the party so I could go to the lake, but I got to feeling bad (for leaving him) so I had her come to our house and watch him. NIcole and Michael came out on the lake with us. We met up with Brandon and Margaux and ended up all going out to eat at the dock. Mom and Logan spent the night with us!
We had planned on going back to the lake on Sunday but Hunter kept us up most of the night and we were worn out. We spent the day at home and later in the evening I decided I wanted to try to take a walk with Hunter. We put him in his stroller and then Wayne and Kya went with us. Hunter did not like it! Hopefully it won't be long before he will enjoy riding! After our walk we took him to see Ma!
Monday we left him with Ma and Susan for a few minutes so we could go look at a house...we weren't impressed though..
We had planned on going back to the lake on Sunday but Hunter kept us up most of the night and we were worn out. We spent the day at home and later in the evening I decided I wanted to try to take a walk with Hunter. We put him in his stroller and then Wayne and Kya went with us. Hunter did not like it! Hopefully it won't be long before he will enjoy riding! After our walk we took him to see Ma!
Monday we left him with Ma and Susan for a few minutes so we could go look at a house...we weren't impressed though..
Happy Baby!!! He is really starting to smile a lot and will smile when I talk to him. It's the sweetest thing ever and completely melts my heart!
Tuesday Brit came over and we went to Kelsie's to visit her and Hames! That evening me and Hunter went to the lake with them and Alan met us down there. The boys were soooo good. The pretty much slept the whole time! I made it wake to wake on the wakeboard. I was so proud of myself! After we left the lake we all went to the Huddle House for supper!
Wednesday morning I met Brit and Kels for breakfast at Maddie's with all the babies. It was fun to get them all together for the 1st time! Hunter was so, so cranky so I ended up feeding him in the restaurant! It was the 1st time I had really breastfed him in public and it worked out okay. Hopefully I'll get better about it soon! Later that evening I called and got Hunter a doctor appointment because he has been spitting up a lot and getting chocked on it. I was afraid that he was going to get chocked during the night and I wouldn't hear him. They started him on Zantac. I'm not really excited about giving him medicine on a regular basis but I guess it will be worth it if it helps. After that I met Krystal to help her with some pumping issues!
1st time in an outfit...
Thursday I went back home. Tess and the girls came over. Me and Hunter spent the night at the house. We dipped his feet in the pool a couple of times and he didn't seem to crazy about it!
Friday we went with Nicole to the doctor. Hunter did great the whole time, but we did have to ride with the windows down. On the way home we stopped to let him meet Brad for the 1st time! I headed back home and Alan met me to get Hunter so I could go to dinner with Kels and Jo at El Tap. After that we went to the movies to watch Ted. It was so nice to get out of the house for a bit and have some girl time!
I cannot believe he is already 7 weeks old!
6th week-June16th-22nd
Saturday my Mom came up for a bit and we went shopping. Later on that evening Chris Ashburn, Brandon, Christi, Josh, Brandon Scott and Jessica all came over.

Monday Hunter and I were home all day...
Tuesday I had to go to the doctor for my postpartum checkup. I took him with me and he was good most of the time.
Wednesday I had a hair appointment. I took him with me. He fell asleep in my lap in the chair and then I put him down in his car seat. He slept through the rest of my appointment!
Thursday was a rough one...he didn't sleep good and the he had peed on me twice and pooped on me once all before 10. So...we packed up and went to Mom's. On the way there he was crying and so I tried rolling the windows down in the jeep and he immediately hushed. I think we must have spoiled him when we rode with the top off because since then he has wanted to ride with the windows down. Tess came over to the house to visit him and then we took him to see Coach Stephens and Granny for a bit! He smiled a real smile for the 1st time for Nicole. She was tickling his feet and he just kept smiling. I tried to catch it on video but every time I got my camera out he stopped...
Friday Alan watched Hunter so I could get away for a bit and do some shopping. So thankful that he is willing to do that! That evening we headed back to the lake so I could wakeboard. It had been exactly 6 weeks since I had delivered and I was so excited to be back up and riding!
6 weeks old...
5th Week- June8th-15th
Saturday was the wedding! We slept until 10ish and then got up and headed to Mom's to get ready. Jo came out and did my hair/makeup. All the girls got there around 2:30 and we took pictures before heading up to their house. Everyone passed Hunter around but he was pretty good most of the time. He would not nurse for longer than 10-15 minutes at a time which is not usual for him. Hopefully it gets better soon. I'm pretty sure he loves his Aunt Tessa...she always gets him to sleep!
Sunday we spent the morning at home. Josh came over later on and then I went to pick up Logan. He is spending the week with us while Nicole is on her honeymoon...
Monday we went to town to get groceries and pick up some pizza after Alan got off of work. Later on Pa Wayne and Kya came down to see Hunter.
Tuesday day Brit came over to spend some time with us and later that evening Susan came down..
milk coma...
Wednesday Logan, Hunter, and I went to visit Kelsie and Hames for a bit. I cannot wait until the boys are old enough to play together. Later that evening Alan took us all to the creek in the jeep. Hunter loves being outside so of course he loved riding on the creek...
Playing on the play mat with Uncle Logan
Riding in Momma's lap on the way to the creek
sleepy boy...somehow always manages to get his hand out of his swaddle
We also took his 1 month pictures (couple of days late) however he wasn't very happy with us so we didn't get any GREAT ones...
Thursday I took Logan to Dogwood Park...
Friday we took Hunter to the lake for the 1st time. He loved being on the boat but hated his life jacket. We didn't stay very long. Alan and I didn't even get in the water. Logan tubed. Hunter also rolled from his belly to his back while on his play mat. He hates tummy time and we had him on his tummy. I think he got so mad he pushed himself over but he hasn't done it again...
got milk?
5 weeks old!
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