Wednesday, September 25, 2013

16 Months

Hunter Cole, are 16 months old! were still hanging out around 20 lbs when I took you for your 15 month check up. have 3/4 of your molars, but still no eye teeth.

...obviously you are still in the same clothes and diapers, but you've worked your way up to a size 5 shoe.

...speaking of LOVE them.  Like want to have a pair on all the time, cry if we don't put them on you.  It's rather entertaining.  You can put your croks on all by yourself so we leave those out to play with most of the time. have a good vocabulary.  I can't even being to count how many words you say, but I bet its well into the hundreds. can name several animals...cow, horse, dog, fish, bear, deer, duck, elephant, just off of the top of my head. love to learn.  You are always bringing me your flashcards or books wanting to read! are a busy boy, always on the go.  You still prefer to be outside.  You love to slide and play in your car.  You also love to ride the 4wheeler.  We know you are ready to ride because you'll just start saying "ride, ride, ride." are now sleeping in your bed (which we have converted to a toddler bed) in our room.  A couple of nights you slept until 4 am before waking up, but your teeth have been bothering you, so you are all outta wack again. are still eating pretty well.  You love chicken and sausage.  You usually have a cup of milk at bedtime, naptime, and in the morning when you wake up.  You are finally drinking out of different kinds of cups and don't really have a preference anymore.

...we are still doing mostly dairy free.  We tried to give it to you and your skin started getting rough again so we've stopped for the most part.  We let you have things here and there, just not all the time. love all things with wheels.  You will sit and drive your car, train, motorocycle, etc up and down our legs as long as we will let you.  You usually have something like that in your hands saying "brmmm, brmmm."

...I signed you up to go to "school" 1 day per week about 1 month ago.  You have only been twice but you seem to love it.  You hollar swing, slide when we pull in.  You seem to love playing with the other kids and your teachers just loves you.

...Mommy and Daddy love you to pieces!

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