Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

Hunter had a great 1st Easter.  His Nana spent the night with us, so he got to spend some quality time with her today.  She gave him M&M's for the 1st time and he loved them...definitely getting better at using his pincher grasp.

He spent most of the morning playing before we got him ready to go to Granny's for dinner.  Right before we left, I let him get into his Easter basket.  He really loved the stacking rings the most.  He has some at his Nana's that he plays with when he is there.

We hadn't let him nap all day, so he took a good nap on the way to Granny's.  He was in such a good mood the whole time we were there and ate like a little pig!  He will eat anything!  I'm hoping he continues to eat so well.  We let him hunt eggs with Bubby and Logan.  Of course, he had no clue what he was doing.  He just liked to shake them.

After the egg hunt, I had to leave him with Nicole because I was supposed to work.  They put me on call so Alan and I have spent the afternoon putting together so of our furniture from ikea.

Here's a breakdown of what was in Hunter's basket.

Fisher Price stackable rings

Jellycat bunny
I had his initials monogrammed on the bunny's ear.  This was my favorite thing in his basket.  The bunny is soo soft!

I couldn't find the exact picture of the cup I got him, but it's similar to this, but yellow.  It came from target.

Spoons similar to this.  These are actually the boon spoons, but I picked up some at wal-mart that look almost identical.  

Hunter LOVES Dora.

Wooden cars from Ikea.

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