Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jan 31st-Feb 6th Recap

Mond-Wedn WORK!


Friday-I got up cleaned the house, ran some errands, done a little shopping, and then went back to the house to start packing for Chattanooga!  Brandon, Blake, Jonathan, Brittany, Thad, and Joanna met us at the house and we headed out.  I napped on the way down.  We got to our hotel, checked in, and then Brit and Jo started getting ready.  I had been up since 1am Friday ( right now, I'm having a horrible time getting back on a normal schedule after my 3 nights at work) so I didn't wanna get dressed up and really didn't wanna do anything.  I was just a bit....grumpy!  Anyhow, we called a taxi/van to come get all of us.  We went to Taco Mac to have dinner.  I got a kids meal with corn dogs but someone ordered chips and cheese dip and it was the best cheese dip EVER!  After dinner we decided to go to the Electric Cowboy.  I'm not sure whose idea it was to go to go this place but it was HORRIBLE.  Seriously it was one of the shadiest places I've ever been.  After a few minutes we called the taxi to come back and get us.  So after we wasted over $40 on taxis we ended up back downtown, right where we started.  I can't remember the 1st place we went downtown but there was some horrible HARD rock group playing and no one (except Alan) was really into it.  We ended the night at Sing It or Wing It which was the best place we went all night!  I was soooo tired and so ready to get in the bed once we got back to the hotel.

Saturday we all slept in and laid around for most of the morning.  Joanna needed to get something to wear and Brandon needed some white shirts to we went to the mall.  Joanna and I took off to get the shopping quickly done.  I'm a quick shopper and she's a SLOW shopper so I have to keep her on track.....ha!  We stopped at a random sunglasses store and I fell IN LOVE with some Tiffany sunglasses!  Sadly the were $450 and I just can't see spending that much on sunglasses, especially when at least 5 pair of mine end up at the bottom of the lake each summer.

After shopping, we went back to the room and started drinking and getting ready for dinner and the concert!  Margaux and Brook stayed at the same hotel and they came to the room a few minutes before we headed out.  We had to have to two taxi vans to get all of us.  Kelsie and Lewey were already downtown and had tried to get us a table at Chili's but the wait was crazy so they walked into Sing it or Wing it and got us a table.  We (all 12 of us) had dinner there and then called a taxi to come get us.  Downtown was so crazy, the taxi was taking forever, and we were getting close to time for the concert SO........when the taxi got there........all 12 of us piled in!!!  Yes 13 people in one taxi van!  Jonathan was setting on Blake's lap...it was hilarious.  But we made it to the concert in time for Eric Church.  He put on a great show!!!  I wasn't too impressed with Jason Aldean though!  He sang way to many slow songs!  After the concert the boys (blake, brandon, and jonathan) left with some girls and we all went to Mellow Mushroom.  We ate a little and had a few drinks and then went back to the room.  When we got there the 3 boys were all in their room in the bed.......hahahahahha!  Everyone hung out in the room for a while and then went to bed.  It was a great trip and I love when we all get together! 

Sunday was the Super Bowl.  Brandon had a get together at his house and we went for a while.  I was worn out so we left after 1/2 time. 


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