We had such a busy Thanksgiving this year!
The Saturday before we had dinner at my Mom's. For the past couple of years we have been doing that and I love it. We usually do it early because everyone has so many places to go. That day I took some pictures of Maddy, Mom took some pictures of me and Alan announcing we are pregnant, and Alan proposed...all before dinner!
I stayed at home pretty late that evening, then met Jo for dinner @ El Tap.
I worked Monday night. Wednesday, we went with a realtor to look at 4 different houses. We loved 3 of the houses, but did not like the location of any of them, so we are back at square one. After that, I met Pauli at El Tap for lunch to catch up. She wants to move back to Atl. and I'm hoping that happens sooner rather than later! I miss her like crazy! That evening, Alan's dad came over! We ended up going to town for dinner and to do a little shopping! He is so ready to start shopping for the baby!
Thursday morning, I met Krystal and Brit at IHOP for breakfast. Krystal was in for Thanksgiving. I'm sure we probable drove Brit insane talking about pregnancy stuff. After that, I went to see the baby for a little bit. He was sick and a little cranky! I miss him like crazy because I never get to see him but he is getting so big! After I left there, I went to Granny's for lunch! Of course, that's my favorite dinner. There's just something about being there on the holidays with my family! I was supposed to work that night so I didn't get to stay long because I had to drive back home and lay down for a nap. I ended up getting called off and we went to Alan's Ma's that night and ate leftovers for supper!
I was supposed to work on Friday, too! So I slept and then got called off again. Alan and I went to town, did a little shopping, got something to eat, and then went by Brandon's to hang out with him and Margaux a bit!
Saturday, was Alan's Ma's 85th birthday party, so we did that. Then we had Thanksgiving with friends that night @ Brandon's. There was enough food there to feed an army and everything was sooo good! I can't wait to do it again. I love getting together with all our friends for holidays! After we left there, Jo and Noah came to the house and stayed until about 1:30 playing the xbox and looking at pictures!
I had to get up early Sunday morning to drive to Harriman to meet Tot for breakfast at Cracker Barrel. It's so hard for us to get together when she comes in because she is so busy and then I have a crazy work schedule, but we actually made it work this time! I'm really hoping I can make a trip to see her soon! I was exhausted after breakfast and ended up having to stop about 1/2 way home to take a nap because I was afraid I was going to fall asleep. I slept for about an hour and then finished driving home!
It was a long and busy week, but so worth it. I got to see 3 friends from out of town, spend time with my family and have dinner with friends. Couldn't have asked for a better Thanksgiving!
Monday, December 5, 2011
I said YES!
Alan finally popped the question! It was perfect and I couldn't have asked for a better proposal story!
On the Saturday before Thanksgiving (11/19/11) we were having dinner with the family at my Mom's for Thanksgiving. Tennille had asked me to take some pictures of Maddy that day, so I went up early and Alan came later. He and I had planned on having Mom take some pictures of us announcing we were pregnant. So, right before dinner Mom came outside to take our pictures. We used a small chalkboard and wrote the due date/+1 on it and took pictures. After we were done, he said, "What if I have an idea?" So I gave him the chalkboard and he started writing away. However, he would not let me see what it said. Logan was the only one outside with us at this point and he had the camera.
When Alan was done writing, we went back around to the front of the house and Mom came back outside. Logan really wanted to take pictures, but Mom insisted that she get the camera back, which I thought was really weird. After Alan moved me around 15 times trying to find the right spot, he finally told me to stand right where I was, put the chalkboard down by my leg (which said forever), got down on one knee, and proposed. My mom and Logan were both outside with us and my mom took pictures of the whole thing. It was absolutely perfect. My whole family was inside, but had no clue what was going on. He had only told my Mom.
I have always thought it would be awesome to have my family there when he proposed and to have pictures, BUT I had never told anyone that! Crazy how things work out!
He gave me the most beautiful ring! It was well worth the wait and I love, love, love it! It's perfect!
On the Saturday before Thanksgiving (11/19/11) we were having dinner with the family at my Mom's for Thanksgiving. Tennille had asked me to take some pictures of Maddy that day, so I went up early and Alan came later. He and I had planned on having Mom take some pictures of us announcing we were pregnant. So, right before dinner Mom came outside to take our pictures. We used a small chalkboard and wrote the due date/+1 on it and took pictures. After we were done, he said, "What if I have an idea?" So I gave him the chalkboard and he started writing away. However, he would not let me see what it said. Logan was the only one outside with us at this point and he had the camera.
When Alan was done writing, we went back around to the front of the house and Mom came back outside. Logan really wanted to take pictures, but Mom insisted that she get the camera back, which I thought was really weird. After Alan moved me around 15 times trying to find the right spot, he finally told me to stand right where I was, put the chalkboard down by my leg (which said forever), got down on one knee, and proposed. My mom and Logan were both outside with us and my mom took pictures of the whole thing. It was absolutely perfect. My whole family was inside, but had no clue what was going on. He had only told my Mom.
I have always thought it would be awesome to have my family there when he proposed and to have pictures, BUT I had never told anyone that! Crazy how things work out!
He gave me the most beautiful ring! It was well worth the wait and I love, love, love it! It's perfect!
Love the big smile on his face in the picture!
This pictures was taken right after I said I loved the ring. He made this face and let out a big sigh. He said, "I wasn't worried about you saying yes, I was just worried about you liking the ring."
I showed my Granny thing ring once we got back inside, but let everyone else figure it out on their own. On the way back home, I called Kelsie and told her. I met Joanna for supper at El Tap to show/tell her and then went by the hospital to show Brit and Peggy!
Most perfect day ever!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Preggo Post #2
Well, we've finally told pretty much everyone.
Only makes sense that his/her outfit is a Tennessee one! Plus I thought it was kinda gender neutral. Alan is ready to start buying Harley clothes, but most of them are not gender neutral so we haven't bought anything else yet!
We are trying to find a house to buy, which has taken up most of our time lately! Hopefully we find something soon! I'm guessing it will be sometime right after Christmas when we find out what we are having! I feel like it might be a girl, but really won't be surprised either way! I'm just praying for a healthy baby!
I haven't taken any belly pictures yet. At this point I just look fat. Saturday, I will be 12 weeks so maybe I'll start then!
Kelsie called (on Sept 24) me exactly a week after I found out I was preggo to tell me she was pregnant! I was so excited and couldn't hold it in, so I went ahead and told her that I was, too! I think she was pretty shocked! I couldn't be happier for her and Lewey, they deserve this and will make great parents! I'm so excited that we get to go through this stage together. A couple of days later, I found out Krystal was also pregnant! We are all due within a week of each other!
I think the second person who I told was Shelia at work, I had no intention of telling anyone at work for a while, but I was super sick one night and she asked me if I was, I tried to lie to her...lol, but I'm a horrible liar! So she knew pretty early on!
I went to the doctor on Sept 29. I didn't wanna go by myself, but there really was no reason for Alan to go at that point, so I told Jo to meet me in town @ a fabric store. She got in the car and said "where are we going and are you pregnant." Obviously I told her and we went on to the Dr. They had me give a urine sample and confirmed I was actually pregnant. I was really scared Jo was gonna be upset, given the April Fools joke I played on her and how she reacted, but she wasn't. She is super excited! We went to O Charley's and had lunch then I went home to rest. We had planned on telling my mom that evening, but Alan didn't get home in time so we waited until Friday, because obviously I wanted to tell her in person!
When we got to the house, Mag was there so I wanted to wait until it was just us to tell. When we took her home, I made Logan go with us! I wanted to tell him 1st and let him tell Mom. So on the way back, I said "Logan, Grammy and Alan are gonna have a baby."
He said, "Well, when will you go get it?" I'm not sure where he thought we would "get it" but I explained that the baby would grow in my belly like Maddy did in Tennille's belly. So his next questions was "Well, when will it be here?" I told him around May and then he asked "Will you be getting a boy or girl?" I told him, I didn't know what we would have and asked him what he hoped we would have. He said, "I hope it's a boy because I am the only boy in my whole entire family." After I told him that Pa and Jamie were in his family he clarified and said he was the only little boy in his whole family. Lol.
I asked him if he would like to tell mom and he said "no" but once we got home, he told her pretty quick. It went something like this "Grammyishavingababyinmay." He said it so fast that mom, had him repeat it and then asked if he was serious! I think she was so excited she didn't really know what to say! I could tell she was holding back tears though!
After we left the house, we went to Granny's to tell her. After we told her she asked me if I was serious about a million times in a million different ways, but never said much else. After we left and got down the road about 30 minutes, I called mom to see if Granny had called her. She said she did right after I left and Granny had thought we were joking with her.
Sometime that weekend, Brit came over to watch something that I had DVR'd and I told her. Of course, by that point, I'm pretty sure she suspected it! I told her and she sat on the couch and cried for a couple of hours. Not sure what was up with that!
I think the 1st person Alan told was Josh. Not sure what he said/thought initially but now he just keeps talking about how mean he is gonna make this kid...lol!
The following Thursday, we told Alan's Ma. He really wanted to tell his Dad in person, but was afraid he would hear it before he would see him, so he told him over the phone. Alan, said he's pretty sure he put the phone down and did a fist pump or a dance. Haha. He is so excited. After he got off the phone with Alan, he sent me a text that said "Congrats, I'm beaming." He's so sweet! We had dinner with him 2 weekends ago and he said he's already ready to start shopping!
I still haven't officially told everyone at work, but I'm assuming everyone knows at this point, because the last day I worked I told quite a few people!
We had our 1st OB appointment on Monday, Oct. 31st (Halloween.) Alan went with me. We were hoping they would do an ultrasound but didn't. My doctor only does one as long as everything is going good. We did get to hear the heartbeat with the doppler. It was strong and 162! Alan said he thinks his heart skipped a beat when he heard it and after we left the office, he kept talking about how cool it was!
I go back to the doctor on December 1st, hopefully Mom and Logan will be able to make it to that appointment.
Alan has been so supportive during this time. I'm feeling much better now, but for a while I was so sick and didn't feel like doing anything! He's constantly asking me if I need anything or if he can do anything for me. Now that I'm feeling better, it's kind of annoying, but at the same time it's so sweet! Of course, my Mom has been great. I've been home quite a bit because Alan has been to Indiana twice to spend the weekend! She made me a "survival kit" with peanuts, ginger cookings, toothbrush, paste, mouthwash, hard candy, trash bags, etc. It was sweet and I've used almost everything except the ginger cookies. They were NASTY. Jo has also been super supportive! Love that girl and I'm so thankful for all the wonderful people we have in our lives!
A couple of weekends ago, I went to Target and got the babies 1st outfit...
Only makes sense that his/her outfit is a Tennessee one! Plus I thought it was kinda gender neutral. Alan is ready to start buying Harley clothes, but most of them are not gender neutral so we haven't bought anything else yet!
We are trying to find a house to buy, which has taken up most of our time lately! Hopefully we find something soon! I'm guessing it will be sometime right after Christmas when we find out what we are having! I feel like it might be a girl, but really won't be surprised either way! I'm just praying for a healthy baby!
I haven't taken any belly pictures yet. At this point I just look fat. Saturday, I will be 12 weeks so maybe I'll start then!
Bun in the oven...
Written September 15, 2011:
About 16 minutes ago, I found out I am preggers...
I am 3 days late, which never happens and I just had a gut feeling. I told Alan yesterday morning that I was late and he just brushed it off! This morning on the way home from work, I stopped at Walgreens and got a test. I came home took the test 1st thing. Pretty much immediately turned positive.
I called Alan to tell him, because I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep today (I gotta work tonight) and this is what our conversation sounded like...
me: what are you doing?
alan: nothing
me: welp, pretty sure we are having a baby
alan: what? how do you know
me: i took a test
alan: what did it say?
me: really? are you really asking me that right now?
alan: well, how accurate are those things?
me: box says 99%
alan: oh
2 minutes later....
alan: i'm speechless
me: i'm just trying to breath
2 more minutes later...
alan: so now what?
me: i don't really know, guess I won't be buying a camaro now
alan: no, probably need a minivan
me: not quite....
alan: guess I'll sell my harley
me: why? that's stupid
alan: b/c we never ride and prob won't have time to ride next year
me: your dad will babysit while we ride
alan: maybe you need to take another test
me: i will when I can pee again
alan: don't you have to go to the doctor and have blood work to have it confirmed?
me: don't think they will even see women until they are further along.
alan: oh, guess we better start buying diapers. those things are expensive. maybe we can be like that guy on extreme couponing.
me: hush! we will be just fine.
alan: i know, but we need to get married.
me: ha, I'm not getting married while I'm pregnant
alan: whatever you say
me: but that doesn't mean you get to skip out on my ring
alan: i was already going to put $ down on it this weekend...
That's about the extend of the conversation. I have so many emotions going on inside me right now! I am super excited, I've always wanted a house full of kiddos, just didn't really think it would be this soon. My mother is going to be so freakin excited. Obviously, we're not gonna tell anyone for a while, just in case something happens but that's gonna be so hard! I already wanna call my momma up and tell her!
and joanna is really gonna cry!
About 16 minutes ago, I found out I am preggers...
I am 3 days late, which never happens and I just had a gut feeling. I told Alan yesterday morning that I was late and he just brushed it off! This morning on the way home from work, I stopped at Walgreens and got a test. I came home took the test 1st thing. Pretty much immediately turned positive.
I called Alan to tell him, because I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep today (I gotta work tonight) and this is what our conversation sounded like...
me: what are you doing?
alan: nothing
me: welp, pretty sure we are having a baby
alan: what? how do you know
me: i took a test
alan: what did it say?
me: really? are you really asking me that right now?
alan: well, how accurate are those things?
me: box says 99%
alan: oh
2 minutes later....
alan: i'm speechless
me: i'm just trying to breath
2 more minutes later...
alan: so now what?
me: i don't really know, guess I won't be buying a camaro now
alan: no, probably need a minivan
me: not quite....
alan: guess I'll sell my harley
me: why? that's stupid
alan: b/c we never ride and prob won't have time to ride next year
me: your dad will babysit while we ride
alan: maybe you need to take another test
me: i will when I can pee again
alan: don't you have to go to the doctor and have blood work to have it confirmed?
me: don't think they will even see women until they are further along.
alan: oh, guess we better start buying diapers. those things are expensive. maybe we can be like that guy on extreme couponing.
me: hush! we will be just fine.
alan: i know, but we need to get married.
me: ha, I'm not getting married while I'm pregnant
alan: whatever you say
me: but that doesn't mean you get to skip out on my ring
alan: i was already going to put $ down on it this weekend...
That's about the extend of the conversation. I have so many emotions going on inside me right now! I am super excited, I've always wanted a house full of kiddos, just didn't really think it would be this soon. My mother is going to be so freakin excited. Obviously, we're not gonna tell anyone for a while, just in case something happens but that's gonna be so hard! I already wanna call my momma up and tell her!
and joanna is really gonna cry!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Mexico Part II
For whatever reason I don't have any pictures from day 3!
That morning the girls all had a massage on the beach. So, so relaxing! It was one of the best things about the trip. That evening Jo and I went to the buffet to eat and the rest of the group had reservations to eat at one of the restaurants. Alan came back to the room after dinner and was pretty toasty! It was entertaining!
On day 4, we spent the morning at the beach, the middle of the day in the pool, dinner reservations at the fondue restaurant, and then we went to Coco Bongo. I really wish we had went to Coco Bongo earlier on during the week. It was our last night there and we had to be up early the next morning for our flight and I was not interested in drinking. Alan and I left early but the show was really awesome. It's just not a place you wanna be if you aren't drinking!
Now for the fun part.....PICTURES!
That morning the girls all had a massage on the beach. So, so relaxing! It was one of the best things about the trip. That evening Jo and I went to the buffet to eat and the rest of the group had reservations to eat at one of the restaurants. Alan came back to the room after dinner and was pretty toasty! It was entertaining!
On day 4, we spent the morning at the beach, the middle of the day in the pool, dinner reservations at the fondue restaurant, and then we went to Coco Bongo. I really wish we had went to Coco Bongo earlier on during the week. It was our last night there and we had to be up early the next morning for our flight and I was not interested in drinking. Alan and I left early but the show was really awesome. It's just not a place you wanna be if you aren't drinking!
Now for the fun part.....PICTURES!
Story: Thad is a Type I Diabetic so at times he had to get out of the pool, hook himself up to his insulin pump and chill on the balcony. On this particular day, I decided to chill with him so he wouldn't be up there by himself. Somehow that turned into him painting my nails, me painting his nails and him giving me this lovely "tattoo" on my foot! I think it's the wrong color though...
Before dinner
Alan's missing
This was the drinks for 4 people. We didn't have room for our food because of all our drinks...
On the plane...so not wanting to come home...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Is it possible to have the best vacation ever twice in one year??? Because I'm pretty sure it happened to me and Alan.
We spent 5 days here....
with 7 of our other friends...and it was wonderful! I can't wait to go on another trip like this. If you have never been somewhere all inclusive.....start planning! It's definitely the way to go! We stayed at the Grand Sunset Princess in Playa Del Carmen...
Thursday evening we drove to Atl and got a hotel. That night we all went out to eat at my favorite place....
then we made a quick trip to Wal-Mart and then headed back to our hotel.
Friday morning, we had to be up early to get to the airport. Our flight left at 9:50 so we got there around 7:00. Brandon, Alan, and Brit had never flown and most of the group had never been out of the country so I was expecting some issues. However, everything went great. We flew from Atl to Miami and then to Cancun. I have no clue what time we got to our resort, but we checked it, and immediately got in the pool. We had a pool side room so we literally walked out of our room and we were in the pool.
It was one of the best things about our vacation. We were there about......5 minutes before everyone was headed to the swim up bar to get drinks.
Right off the bat, we met some random, fun people at the pool. One girl had lived in Memphis for a while. None of us had eaten much during the day. We were starving anddrunk tipsy when we went to dinner at the buffet. Pretty sure most of us went with soaking wet hair and in a horrible outfit. Joanna and I actually left dinner a little early and went back to the room.
Saturday, we got up and went to the beach, played in the pool, and Brandon, Alan, and I went exploring...
We spent 5 days here....
with 7 of our other friends...and it was wonderful! I can't wait to go on another trip like this. If you have never been somewhere all inclusive.....start planning! It's definitely the way to go! We stayed at the Grand Sunset Princess in Playa Del Carmen...
Thursday evening we drove to Atl and got a hotel. That night we all went out to eat at my favorite place....
then we made a quick trip to Wal-Mart and then headed back to our hotel.
Friday morning, we had to be up early to get to the airport. Our flight left at 9:50 so we got there around 7:00. Brandon, Alan, and Brit had never flown and most of the group had never been out of the country so I was expecting some issues. However, everything went great. We flew from Atl to Miami and then to Cancun. I have no clue what time we got to our resort, but we checked it, and immediately got in the pool. We had a pool side room so we literally walked out of our room and we were in the pool.
It was one of the best things about our vacation. We were there about......5 minutes before everyone was headed to the swim up bar to get drinks.
Right off the bat, we met some random, fun people at the pool. One girl had lived in Memphis for a while. None of us had eaten much during the day. We were starving and
Saturday, we got up and went to the beach, played in the pool, and Brandon, Alan, and I went exploring...
Supporting my Vols!!!
That night we had reservations at one of the Mexican restaurants at the resort
The Girls
Supporting the Vols again...
The group...
Brandon got a bit drunk prior to dinner and at least 2 different table moved away from us because he was being so loud. We were all entertained/embarrassed. It was pretty funny though. He kept yelling that he liked Taco Bell better and that there was bat shit on his plate! Definitely glad there was noone around we knew.
This is him pissing relieving himself in the bushes...right outside of the restaurant. I still can't believe we didn't get kicked out of the resort this night
Jo and Margaux taking him back to his room.
@ the disco club
New friends from Missouri who is also a RN!
Tara...AKA girl who lived in Memphis
The infamous jelly fish shot.
to be continued....
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