Before I was pregnant I thought the crying wouldn't bother me. I have been around kids my whole life. My mom owned a daycare, we had foster children, etc. I have always LOVED children, but the crying never got to me, never bothered me....until I had my own.
Prior to his vaccines at 2.5 months old, Hunter slept great. This was also before he really started spending the night at other places also. We had a bedtime routine-bath, lotion, swaddle, bottle and then we would put him down AWAKE...and he would go to sleep on his own. We thought we had it mastered, but he had other plans.
Like I said, somewhere around the 2.5 months he started waking up more frequently during the night. I didn't think much of it and would nurse him back to sleep. I thought eventually it would get better. It slowly got WORSE. We had tried everything, swaddle, non swaddle, white noise, country music, bedtime routine, putting him down earlier, putting him down later, sleeping in a pack n play in our room, sleeping in the rock n play sleeper. Nothing seemed to work. We even tried co-sleeping which Alan was adamantly against. He also had eczema so we couldn't do a bath every night, so his nighttime routine had changed a bit.
We had contemplated CIO, a couple of times, but I just wasn't ready. I knew that in the end, overall, he would end up crying less because he was so, so fussy and hard to get down for naps and bedtime. I just couldn't stand the thought of letting him cry. On his 8 month bday, Alan and I discussed getting into more of a routine, always having him home by 8 to start the routine and then down in crib at 8. I said we would do it for 10 days and then begin trying to get him to fall asleep on his own. Alan wanted to change it to 7 days, but I refused.
However, that night Hunter woke up at 12:35am. We had finally got him down around 9:30 after lots of singing, bouncing, rocking, feeding, etc. This was actually a good stretch of sleep for him at the time because he had been getting up hourly during the night. I went in his room and nursed him. He fell asleep and I put him in his crib. The moment I tried to lay him down, he woke up screaming. I picked him up and repeated the process. Nurse, asleep, crib. He woke up screaming again, as soon as I laid him down. I did this one more time, and something inside me clicked. I thought, he has to learn to sleep.
So, I shut his door, and went back to our bedroom. I decided I would go in at 15 minutes. It was very hard for me to hear him cry, but I knew it was best for him. We had tried everything else. I went in at 15 minutes, picked him up, calmed him down and then put him back in his crib and told him it was time to go night-night. I decided I would go back in at 20 minutes if he was still crying. He was, so after 20 minutes I repeated the process and decided I would go back at 30 minutes if he was still crying.
After 28 minutes he started to stop crying. He was on his belly and just whining a bit, so at 30 minutes I did not go back in. This was a long process and lasted until 2:35 when he finally fell back asleep. He was back up around 4:30, I nursed him and put him back down. He cried again. I went in at 30 minutes and he fell asleep before I needed to go back in (he cried right at an hour that time.)
The next day, we put him down for naps the same way and have continued the same process at bedtime. I was napping for work during nap time the 2nd day and was at work for bedtime the 2nd night. Alan put him down and said he cried about 30 minutes but slept from 9 until 4:45, which is huge for him. The 3rd night he cried about the same but was up more frequently. We stuck with it and continued to put him down awake. He has been sleeping great ever since. He goes down for naps pretty easy, usually whining less than 5 minutes. Bed time takes a bit longer, normally around 20 minutes.
He doesn't really cry anymore, just stands in his bed and hollers. I wanted to document this in case I need to come back and reference when we have our next child. I was so scared of doing CIO. I worried that he would cry for hours and hours and not ever go to sleep. Now, I wish we would have done it sooner.
Prior to doing this, Hunter was usually whiney. He didn't crawl and he never pulled up on things. When trying to get him to go to sleep, he would pinch, scratch, grab, and swat whatever was near him. He was always so restless. It was getting really hard for me to nurse him because he would hurt me with all the pinching and hitting.
After a few nights of good sleep, I'm happy to report, he is crawling everywhere, pulling up, and is much less restless. Overall, he's a much happier and playful baby. Nursing is much easier than it previously had been and momma and daddy are much less stressed and rested better so we have more energy and patience.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Hunter Cole, are 8 months old. weigh a little over 16 lbs, but I'm still not sure how tall you are. You spent the better part of this month sick and so I'm hoping you will gain a little more weight soon! are in 6-9 month clothes. 3-6 month jeans are too short but 6-9 are too big around the waist.
...size 3 diapers I mentioned, you were sick for most of this month. It started on December 3rd with wheezing and I took you to the doctor. We were back on a weekly basis (sometimes twice a week) until the Saturday before Christmas. You had 5 different abx, 2 different respiratory treatments, and one does of an oral steroid before you finally got better. You had a checkup on Jan 2nd to make sure everything had cleared up. Doctor said you were good to go! You had to go to the ENT on January 9th. They didn't feel like you need tubes yet...yah! cut your 3rd and 4th tooth this month...your top middle ones.
...exactly on your 8 month birthday you started officially crawling and pulling up! You had been scooting around some and had pulled up a couple of times, but you are now doing it consistently. The 1st time I got you to craw, you were trying to get my phone. I actually managed to get it on video with the video camera!!!
...we started CIO on the 10th. You had been getting up every hour at night and since the doctor said you were healthy we decided to go ahead and give it a try. The 2nd night you slept great! Hopefully the trend will continue. This is when you learned to pull up. When we put you in the bed, you will pull up and stand. You still haven't figured out how to sit down and you have fallen a couple of times and have some little bruises on your head :( are eating everything....EXCEPT baby food. We basically give you whatever we are eating in small pieces and you eat it up. But you do not like baby food and basically refuse to eat it.
...I think you have some separation anxiety going on. Every time I leave the room, you will wine and cry until I come back. If someone else is carrying you and I'm around you will lean and wine until I get you.
...I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before, but you have eczema. It had gotten pretty bad and I was going to ask to see a dermatoligist at your 9 month check up, but your Aunt Cole found something that worked for you. We are putting aquaphor on you with baby powder over top of it at night. Your skin is MUCH better! enjoyed Christmas. We spent lots of time with family and everyone spoiled you rotten! I think your favorite gift so far has been your leap frog table from your Aunt Cole. You also enjoy your dvd player from Nana and Poppy. are still nursing but getting more formula these days. Hopefully I can get my supply back up since I am off work for the next week, but if not you had breast milk for 8 months! had a couple of visits from Hames this month and one from Mylee. You guys are starting to notice one another and sometimes you take toys from one another. It's quite entertaining.
...Yesterday (on your 8 month bday we met Kels and Hames at the park. It was 70 degrees outside so we went for a long walk and then took you guys to swing. I can't help but think it won't be long and we will be taking ya'll to the park and you will be running everywhere.
This month spent the night with Tess for the 1st time on NYE, while we had a night out.
...Brit kept you for about an hour, while I went to the doctor.
...We spent the night with your Pa Wayne for the 1st time.
...We spent a couple of nights at Nana and Poppys.
...Daddy took you riding on the creek in the jeep. He put your car seat in the front seat and said you loved it. were back at the mx tracks. The dirt bikes don't seem to both you at all. went of your 1st dirt bike ride with Uncle Micheal. He put you in your carrier and away ya'll went. You seemed to like it. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my phone. If you are upset, I can usually get you to calm down with it. are 8 months old. weigh a little over 16 lbs, but I'm still not sure how tall you are. You spent the better part of this month sick and so I'm hoping you will gain a little more weight soon! are in 6-9 month clothes. 3-6 month jeans are too short but 6-9 are too big around the waist.
...size 3 diapers I mentioned, you were sick for most of this month. It started on December 3rd with wheezing and I took you to the doctor. We were back on a weekly basis (sometimes twice a week) until the Saturday before Christmas. You had 5 different abx, 2 different respiratory treatments, and one does of an oral steroid before you finally got better. You had a checkup on Jan 2nd to make sure everything had cleared up. Doctor said you were good to go! You had to go to the ENT on January 9th. They didn't feel like you need tubes yet...yah! cut your 3rd and 4th tooth this month...your top middle ones.
...exactly on your 8 month birthday you started officially crawling and pulling up! You had been scooting around some and had pulled up a couple of times, but you are now doing it consistently. The 1st time I got you to craw, you were trying to get my phone. I actually managed to get it on video with the video camera!!!
...we started CIO on the 10th. You had been getting up every hour at night and since the doctor said you were healthy we decided to go ahead and give it a try. The 2nd night you slept great! Hopefully the trend will continue. This is when you learned to pull up. When we put you in the bed, you will pull up and stand. You still haven't figured out how to sit down and you have fallen a couple of times and have some little bruises on your head :( are eating everything....EXCEPT baby food. We basically give you whatever we are eating in small pieces and you eat it up. But you do not like baby food and basically refuse to eat it.
...I think you have some separation anxiety going on. Every time I leave the room, you will wine and cry until I come back. If someone else is carrying you and I'm around you will lean and wine until I get you.
...I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before, but you have eczema. It had gotten pretty bad and I was going to ask to see a dermatoligist at your 9 month check up, but your Aunt Cole found something that worked for you. We are putting aquaphor on you with baby powder over top of it at night. Your skin is MUCH better! enjoyed Christmas. We spent lots of time with family and everyone spoiled you rotten! I think your favorite gift so far has been your leap frog table from your Aunt Cole. You also enjoy your dvd player from Nana and Poppy. are still nursing but getting more formula these days. Hopefully I can get my supply back up since I am off work for the next week, but if not you had breast milk for 8 months! had a couple of visits from Hames this month and one from Mylee. You guys are starting to notice one another and sometimes you take toys from one another. It's quite entertaining.
...Yesterday (on your 8 month bday we met Kels and Hames at the park. It was 70 degrees outside so we went for a long walk and then took you guys to swing. I can't help but think it won't be long and we will be taking ya'll to the park and you will be running everywhere.
This month spent the night with Tess for the 1st time on NYE, while we had a night out.
...Brit kept you for about an hour, while I went to the doctor.
...We spent the night with your Pa Wayne for the 1st time.
...We spent a couple of nights at Nana and Poppys.
...Daddy took you riding on the creek in the jeep. He put your car seat in the front seat and said you loved it. were back at the mx tracks. The dirt bikes don't seem to both you at all. went of your 1st dirt bike ride with Uncle Micheal. He put you in your carrier and away ya'll went. You seemed to like it. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my phone. If you are upset, I can usually get you to calm down with it.
New Years Resolutions...
I'm not sure about you but, I never stick with my New Years Resolutions. This year I may try to post goals each month. At the end (or beginning) of each month I will review the previous months goals and post new ones. Here are my goals for January.
-blog at least 2 times a week, some non Hunter related posts also
-get a blog design
-exercise at least 4 times this month. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but it's better than nothing.
-cook an actual meal (not pizza from a box or take out) 2-3 times per week.
-read a book.
-make another quilt.
-start cutting shirts for Hunter's t-shirt quilt.
-have breakfast/dinner with friends
-get a massage
-take more pictures of Hunter with my "good camera"
-blog at least 2 times a week, some non Hunter related posts also
-get a blog design
-exercise at least 4 times this month. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but it's better than nothing.
-cook an actual meal (not pizza from a box or take out) 2-3 times per week.
-read a book.
-make another quilt.
-start cutting shirts for Hunter's t-shirt quilt.
-have breakfast/dinner with friends
-get a massage
-take more pictures of Hunter with my "good camera"
Christmas 2012
Hunter's 1st Christmas was a success. We had a lot of places to go, but luckily it was spread out over several days.
It started on Friday night when we had a Christmas Party to go to at Brandon's. We left Hunter with his Aunt Lisa because sometimes things get a bit crazy there. We had a good time but were gone pretty early. Hunter opened his 1st Christmas gift, from Lisa. He actually did better than I thought. He mostly wanted to eat the paper though.
Saturday, we had Christmas at my Mom's. We always do our Christmas there on the Saturday before Christmas. We were there most of the day. Hunter got passed around a lot and received lots of gifts. We had a good time and I really enjoy getting together with all my siblings.
Sunday, was a nice day at home. I was scheduled to work but got low census so we had a nice evening together at home.
Christmas Eve, we went to Pa Wayne's to spend the night. Pa was so excited to give Hunter his gifts. We really had a great evening there and were so glad we got to spend the night with him. Christmas morning Alan and Pa cooked us breakfast. After we eat, we packed everything up, went home, and got ready to go to Granny's for dinner.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE going to my Granny's for Christmas dinner. It's my favorite thing to do at Christmas. Our family isn't super close, but you can bet your bottom that we always stand up for one another and we're always there if we need each other. We have been playing dirty santa there for a few years now and it's always a lot of fun!
After we left Granny's, we went to Mom's to watch Logan open his gifts. Mom had to work so he had to wait until Christmas evening to open his presents. He got his 1st xbox 360, a halo edition. I'm pretty sure Alan was a bit jealous.
Once we left there, we went to my Dad's to take Jackie his Christmas gift. I got him a wheelbarrow, a log truck, and some clothes. He's all boy! Loves his tractors, going outside, and beating and banging on everything. He's so sweet with Hunter and gives him "love" all the time.
Needless to say, it was late when we got home Christmas night. We decided that we would do our Christmas the next morning.
Wednesday morning we let Hunter open his gifts and Alan and I exchanged our gifts. We mostly knew what we had got for each other, but I did surprise him with Halo 4. He also got some things for his jeep and a new drill. I got a new pair of boots and a new hair dryer (t3 featherweight.) Hunter got lots of small things....blocks, balls, etc. We decided not to do anything BIG gifts for him this year because he has everything he needs! We are going to get him his lifetime hunting license though.
7 Months
Hunter Cole, are 7 months old. weigh around 16 lbs but I have no clue how tall you are. are in mostly 6-9 month clothes.
...size 3 diapers got sick for the 1st time this month. We still don't know exactly what was wrong with you but it lasted over 2 weeks, so far. still aren't sleeping through the night, but you are getting better. You also still don't like to nap, but some naps are getting longer. I had hoped to have you on a schedule by now, but we run, run, run so that's not been possible. aren't nursing as often but I really have no clue how many times a day/how long you go in between feedings. I feed you when I think you are hungry. We have given you lots of baby food and you like most of it. You love bananas. You've also eaten LOTS of table food and I think you prefer it over baby food. You aren't crazy about juice or anything other than milk. We have introduced sippy cups, but you mostly chew on them. are rolling everywhere and I think you will be crawling soon. You get up on all fours and rock back and forth. You are great about scooting backwards but haven't figured out how to go forward. still only have 2 teeth, but I think you may get some more soon! You are chewing on everything! like to be put down and left alone a lot of times. Your granny says you will sit and play with your feet for 15-30 minutes when she watches you in the mornings. You truly make her day! LOVE your Aunt Cole. She watches you while I work and takes great care of you. AND spoils you rotten!
This month... went to your 1st dinner at Granny's. It was Thanksgiving and you tried her dumplins for the 1st time! "aunt" Tess has watched you a couple of times.
...Tosha came to visit us. had your 1st Thanksgiving!
...Daddy went away for the 1st time (non work related.) He went to Indianan hunting and we stayed with Nana and Poppy.
...we put up our Christmas decorations. Daddy went all out this year because it's your 1st Christmas. He is so excited about Christmas with you! said dada for the 1st time on Nov. 27th. reached for someone for the 1st time. It was your Nana on Dec 3rd. went to see Santa for the 1st time. You weren't scared of him and didn't cry! are 7 months old. weigh around 16 lbs but I have no clue how tall you are. are in mostly 6-9 month clothes.
...size 3 diapers got sick for the 1st time this month. We still don't know exactly what was wrong with you but it lasted over 2 weeks, so far. still aren't sleeping through the night, but you are getting better. You also still don't like to nap, but some naps are getting longer. I had hoped to have you on a schedule by now, but we run, run, run so that's not been possible. aren't nursing as often but I really have no clue how many times a day/how long you go in between feedings. I feed you when I think you are hungry. We have given you lots of baby food and you like most of it. You love bananas. You've also eaten LOTS of table food and I think you prefer it over baby food. You aren't crazy about juice or anything other than milk. We have introduced sippy cups, but you mostly chew on them. are rolling everywhere and I think you will be crawling soon. You get up on all fours and rock back and forth. You are great about scooting backwards but haven't figured out how to go forward. still only have 2 teeth, but I think you may get some more soon! You are chewing on everything! like to be put down and left alone a lot of times. Your granny says you will sit and play with your feet for 15-30 minutes when she watches you in the mornings. You truly make her day! LOVE your Aunt Cole. She watches you while I work and takes great care of you. AND spoils you rotten!
This month... went to your 1st dinner at Granny's. It was Thanksgiving and you tried her dumplins for the 1st time! "aunt" Tess has watched you a couple of times.
...Tosha came to visit us. had your 1st Thanksgiving!
...Daddy went away for the 1st time (non work related.) He went to Indianan hunting and we stayed with Nana and Poppy.
...we put up our Christmas decorations. Daddy went all out this year because it's your 1st Christmas. He is so excited about Christmas with you! said dada for the 1st time on Nov. 27th. reached for someone for the 1st time. It was your Nana on Dec 3rd. went to see Santa for the 1st time. You weren't scared of him and didn't cry!
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